A 2-Minute Trick to Calm Down an Energetic Kiddo (or Parent!)

Proprioceptive or "deep pressure" sensory input is calming to the nervous system.  It is any type of input that provides deep pressure to joints and muscles, providing the brain with a strong signal of where the body is in space.  Proprioceptive activities usually involve hanging, pushing, pulling, or weight bearing.  These activities increase dopamine and serotonin levels in the brain, and can help high-energy kids self-regulate their energy levels.

"STEAMROLLER" is a favorite proprioceptive activity in our house.  It feels great for both kids and parents! Here's a demo by my son and I (complete with my puffy eyes since this was first thing in the morning...unedited and keepin' it real, folks!)


Tell us if you try it with your child! :)  Did it work to help them (or YOU) calm down?

Laura Park Figueroa